Shipping and Delivery:

  1. We aim to deliver the products you purchase as fast as possible.
  2. At this time, NEWOW does not deliver its products anywhere outside India. Although orders can be placed from anywhere in the world, the delivery can only in India.
  3. Each order can be shipped only to a single address, which is specified by the customer at the time of placing & making payment for that order.
  4. We make our best effort to ensure that each item in your order is shipped out within 48 working hours of receiving the same at our end along with the payment.
  5. We deliver stocks only against advance payment. COD option is not available on our portal.
  6. We work six days a week ie: Monday to Saturday, excluding holidays
  7. Our shipment generally reaches the destination within minimum 7 days to 15 working days from receipt of order depending on the address for delivery.
  8. A shipping confirmation with your tracking ID will be sent to you after the product has been dispatched. You can use this ID to track your order by visiting the website and clicking on Track Order from the footer of the website. This will tell you the current status and approximate delivery time of your order.
  9. We are not responsible for damage of products after delivery.
  10. All claims, if any, for shortages or damages must be reported to our customer service within 48 hours of the delivery. Please contact us on +91-8882034700 or email us at
  11. In case your order has not been delivered but is reflecting “Delivered” on the tracker, please highlight it within 24 hours as later this request will not be processed.
  12. If you believe that the packaging of your order has been tampered with or damaged before delivery, please refuse to take delivery of the package and contact us on +91-8882034700 or email us at mentioning your order ID. We will dispatch a replacement or initiate a refund immediately.
